An online gallery of my paintings and collage, done in watercolor or acrylic. The unsold are located in Spain or the U.S. while others in private collections range as far as the Orient. For further information, please contact me at:
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Tres Cuervos (for Jojo)
Thursday, August 20, 2020
SINBLIA 50 x 70 cm. €300
Acrylic on canvas / Acrilico sobre lienzo
This is derived from a photo I took outside the Bar Simblia in Huelva, 2019. The man in the red shirt was asleep and the man near the window is taken from one of Cezanne's paintings, while the man with a beer was observed in a bar near my town.
Esto se deriva de una foto que tome fuera del Bar Sanblia en Huelva, 2019. El hombre de la camisa roja estaba dormido y el hombre cerca de la ventana esta tomado de uno de los cuadros de Cezanne, mientras que el hombre con una cerveza fue observado en un bar cerca de mi pueblo.